Bored. Wondering how you guys are doing, thought I'd say hi. Hi.
Captain Blithering
JoinedPosts by Captain Blithering
just sat at the sound cabinet postin' on an apostate website.... (whistles nonchalantly)
by Captain Blithering inbored.
wondering how you guys are doing, thought i'd say hi.
COC & ISOCF - (for believers) -what DON'T you agree with raymondo about?
by Captain Blithering inhi all, i'm halfway through isocf having finished coc recently..
i'm still in, not sure what i believe anymore, but along the christian viewpoint, uncle ray makes a lot of sense to me.
so are there any contrary viewpoints out there, any points ray made that can be argued against or that you find hard to swallow?
Captain Blithering
True dat BAND ON THE RUN. Christian ideals are fab whether you believe in a higher being or not. And by ideals, I mean pretty much the golden rule, to live as you would have others live. To treat others as you would be treated.. Ray goes on about the STRUCTURE of the organisation, the regimented lifestyle, the rules written and unwritten... I agree with pretty much everything he says about that. Still reading......
Jehovah's Witness church elders who refused to comment on a child abuse scandal did not "try to prevent a prosecution."
by Sol Reform in
police chief's letter ignites fresh jehovah's witness child abuse rowby kevin donald location: washington.
gordon leighton.
Captain Blithering
Thanks SFPW , that's what I thought, but I know we're a bit biased on here!
Jehovah's Witness church elders who refused to comment on a child abuse scandal did not "try to prevent a prosecution."
by Sol Reform in
police chief's letter ignites fresh jehovah's witness child abuse rowby kevin donald location: washington.
gordon leighton.
Captain Blithering
Is Daniels a WT appointed lawyer? If so then this is fairly damning considering the advice he gave the elders was to withhold information about a crime that had been committed. Where's SFPW when you need him? I'd like to hear the argument for the elders keeping schtum..
2010 How To Rescue Your Loved One From The Watchtower!
by Atlantis in2010 how to rescue your loved one from the watchtower.. (this book is already online here: ).
click the link by the blue arrow.
Captain Blithering
THANK YOU mister atlantis..
COC & ISOCF - (for believers) -what DON'T you agree with raymondo about?
by Captain Blithering inhi all, i'm halfway through isocf having finished coc recently..
i'm still in, not sure what i believe anymore, but along the christian viewpoint, uncle ray makes a lot of sense to me.
so are there any contrary viewpoints out there, any points ray made that can be argued against or that you find hard to swallow?
Captain Blithering
Td - good man, thanks for that! I had to read your last paragraph at least three times! (and I feel I may have to go to a dictionary and a grammar website to fully understand it!) and that's nothing to do with your sentence structure, it's my ignorance! And otwo - thanks or that summary, you put it far better than anything I could have said! I wondered if there are any other elements of his writings that don't fully stand up to scrutiny? I not trying to pick fault, but for 40 years I've believed EVERYTHING I've been told to read, and I'm increasingly skeptical about everything now!
COC & ISOCF - (for believers) -what DON'T you agree with raymondo about?
by Captain Blithering inhi all, i'm halfway through isocf having finished coc recently..
i'm still in, not sure what i believe anymore, but along the christian viewpoint, uncle ray makes a lot of sense to me.
so are there any contrary viewpoints out there, any points ray made that can be argued against or that you find hard to swallow?
Captain Blithering
Kate - in particular he talks a lot about the 1st century christians and how they werent GOVERNED but autonomous, each cong running itself, and how Russell started out that way too before that all started to go pete tong. Also a lot about freedom, christ did away with the law code leaving the law of love, but the GOVERNORS of our faith reinstated a gazillion rules and regulations again ,kinda negating what christ said... theres loads more i agree with , and it is all very clearly scriptural too, but i know im gonna have to listen to it all (audiobook) a couple times to sink in i think!
Phizzy Said this......And I am afraid I disagree
by KateWild ini still find it strange that believers cannot get it in to their heads that atheism is not a belief, but theism is.
there cannot possibly be proof "for" the atheistic position as it is simply a position that says i see no proof for a god.. if someone says there are pink unicorns with purple spots and i say i have never seen any proof of their existence, i cannot offer proof of my "position", the onus is 100% upon the spotted unicorn guy to prove their existence to me.
simple.. where the frustration enters in for us non-unicornists is when the unicornists expect us to listen to inane arguments , non facts and plain nonsesnse and then go along with their delusion.
Captain Blithering
Flippin unicornbashers at the door again...
COC & ISOCF - (for believers) -what DON'T you agree with raymondo about?
by Captain Blithering inhi all, i'm halfway through isocf having finished coc recently..
i'm still in, not sure what i believe anymore, but along the christian viewpoint, uncle ray makes a lot of sense to me.
so are there any contrary viewpoints out there, any points ray made that can be argued against or that you find hard to swallow?
Captain Blithering
Hi all, I'm halfway through isocf having finished coc recently.. I'm still in, not sure what i believe anymore, but along the christian viewpoint, uncle Ray makes a lot of sense to me. So are there any contrary viewpoints out there, any points Ray made that can be argued against or that you find hard to swallow? Cap'n
Letter I wrote to the person the caused me to be disfellowshipped
by jwfacts ina thread on another forum reminded me of a letter i wrote to the person that went to the elders and started the proceedings to have me disfellowshipped.
i stopped believing in the religion when i was 25 but continued going for about ten years.
i finally started to fade at 35, but about 6 months after i had stopped going to meetings, a person wrote a letter to the elders about my website, which at the time was anonymous.
Captain Blithering
Post his email address here Paul , we'll ALL send him a thank you email!